Return to the Fukuoka Famicom Shops
I just got back from an overnight business trip to the place where this blog began: beautiful Fukuoka!I was there for a couple of meetings on Tuesday, but Wedensday morning and early afternoon I had to...
View ArticleFamicom Price is Right/ Antiques Roadshow Japanese TV Program
When I was down in Fukuoka earlier this week I was flipping through the channels on the TV in my hotel on the first night and happened to stumble onto a variety show that was featuring Famicom games....
View ArticleFamicom Cart Storage the Saga Continues....
In the five years or so since I started collecting Famicom games I have been through a wide range of storage and display options for them. For the first couple of years I mainly just shoved them in...
View ArticleBreaking Famicom News: Lost Love and A Fake Famicom Cart? The Gold Binary...
The Japanese language internet has been abuzz over the past few days with speculation about the origins of the gold Binary Land Famicom cart, seen in the above photo selling for 84,800 yen (almost...
View ArticleSome Game & Watch Goodies
I`ve been collecting Game & Watches for a few years now, but I still don`t have too many. I really like them though. I never owned one as a kid, though I did have some generic-brand handhelds...
View ArticleMy New Sqoon: Missing those Lovely Irem LEDs
One of these things is not like the other....Actually wait, both of these things are unlike the other.Yesterday I got a copy of Sqoon in the mail. I already had a copy of Sqoon, which is a really cool...
View ArticleI`m a Gambling Man....with my Nintendo Electro Roulette
I got a roulette set in the mail last week. I don`t play much roulette but I like this one. Its electric and it says Nintendo on the wheel.!This is one of those light gun games that Nintendo made...
View ArticleThe Famicom Exodus: Will Japan ever Repatriate Them?
A very brief history lesson: in the 19th century after Japan opened up to the West, Europeans became very interested in Japanese art. Woodblock prints like the one above, for example, became highly...
View ArticleGetting Ripped Off on Yahoo Japan Auctions: Buyer Beware
OK, got me some complaining to do and since I have a blog, I`m going to do it here. I finally got ripped off in an online transaction! It happened on Yahoo Auctions. It was kind of a big purchase so...
View ArticleWeek of Garfield Party Idea: Kuso Game Marathon!
A Week of Garfield is one of those games that if you haven`t played it, you really don`t know what you are missing.I am not sure if I mean that in a positive or a negative way. Over on GameFAQs it is...
View Article20 Japan-only Famicom Releases that I Kind of Like
I have a lot of Famicom games. Living in Japan I have never noticed much distinction between the ones which were released only in Japan and the ones which were released everywhere - I`ve pretty much...
View ArticleFamicom Rarity Find! Battle Formula!
I did a little retro game shopping at an actual store yesterday and made an amazing discovery: Battle Formula! And cheap!I have been on a quest to find this game for years now. I have only come...
View ArticleMore Awesome Japan Only Famicom Releases
Almost the minute I finished making my recent post about 20 Japan only releases for the Famicom which I like I was already coming up with titles that I realized should have been on it. So I`ve decided...
View ArticleCUTE!! Oh my god these are so....CUTE!!
I got some little itty bitty Famicoms in the mail yesterday!Look how small that is! It fits in the palm of my hand like it was nothing. So cute!!And look the Super Mario Bros cart isn`t just a...
View Article10 Yen Finds: Famicom Sky Destroyer Chirashi
I came across a little 10 yen (10 cent) bargain the other day, an original chirashi (flyer/mini poster) for Sky Destroyer by Taito. It is in pretty rough shape, wtih a crease down the middle, some...
View ArticleChoujin Ultra Yakyuu Baseball Limited Edition and the Elusive Phone Cards
I bought this limited edition version of Choujin Ultra Baseball off of Yahoo Auction the other day, mostly out of curiousity. I wouldn`t normally bother buying a baseball game, but this one is of mild...
View ArticleCollecting Goal for 2014: Finish my CIB Namco 18 Series
Of all the game boxes released for the Famicom I think the original Namco series of its first 18 games are my favorite. They are small, made of cardboard and they have some awesome cover art. Perhaps...
View ArticleRemeniscing about being a Famicom Newbie
I was looking through some old photos earlier today and I discovered the above shot. This was taken in November of 2008, more than a year before I started this blog, and is the very first photo ever...
View ArticleBack in Fukuoka Again: 007 has Become a Manga Souko
I just got back from a business trip to good old Fukuoka. I head down there every once in a while and whenever I do I try to visit some of my old retro game stores. In October I was able to pay...
View ArticleFamicomblog does Toronto - OMG retro games are so expensive here!!!!!
Famicomblog is, for the first time ever, reporting to you live from North America! Specifically from the frigging cold city of Toronto.I am in Canada on the last leg of a work-related trip at the...
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