Cool Stuff: A Famicom with some Famitsu Stickers on the Controllers
One thing that I like about finding old Famicoms is when they have stickers on them. Not just random stickers, mind you, but stickers which were specifically designed to be placed on a Famicom.This...
View ArticleWhat Kinds of Companies Go on to Make Video Game Consoles?
Yesterday I had a bit of time and a random thought on my mind: what kind of company makes a video game console?It occurred to me that this might be a somewhat interesting way of approaching video game...
View ArticleFamicoming on a Rainy Day
Today is a national holiday that awkwardly falls on a Tuesday. It has been raining cats and dogs since last night. With a Famicom firmly installed in our living room, however, we are well prepared to...
View ArticleStuff you Might Find in a Lot of Games Bought Off Yahoo Auctions: An...
I bought a lot of about 70 Famicom carts off of Yahoo Auctions a few days ago and they arrived in the mail last night. Sometimes lots of games that you buy there will turn up unexpected treasures like...
View ArticleRetro Game Shopping in....Nagoya! Part 1 Osu
Nagoya is not generally known as a major tourist centre. That is because it isn`t one. Its an industrial city that was heavily bombed during the war and thus doesn`t have much in the way of...
View ArticleRetro Game Shopping in Nagoya Part 2: Osu Mandarake
Part two of my posts on retro game shopping in Nagoya brings us to the Nagoya branch of Mandarake. Nagoya`s Mandarake is also in the Osu neighborhood and is actually just a couple of minutes walk...
View ArticleQuestion: Are video game carts cooler than discs?
This morning I read this article by Andrew Leonard about vinyl records and CDs and it got me drawing some of the obvious parrallels between collecting music and collecting video games. The point that...
View ArticleRandom Question: What is the deal with 17?
Just a random thing that has been puzzling me for a while. Have you ever noticed how a lot of Famicom carts have the number 17 on the back of them? Right there in the upper left hand corner of the...
View ArticleOddball finds: Famicom Label Error Carts
Notice anything odd about the above cart?I was just sorting through a pile of random Famicom carts and did a bit of a double-take when I saw this copy of Oukon Densetsu. I have never seen this...
View ArticleFamicom Bars: I want one.
Famicom City in ShibuyaFamicom bars and cafes are one of the few remaining awesome bastions of Japanese retro gaming culture which I have yet to try.If you don`t know what they are.....well, basically...
View ArticleCool Finds: Famicom Lunch Box
I got an unexpected surprise last week. I had bought a small lot of about a dozen Famicom carts off of Yahoo Auctions and when they came in the mail I discovered that the sender had used the most...
View ArticleGetting Used to the Top Rider Motorcycle Controller is Something you Need to...
I have added another oddball Famicom controller to my collection: the Top Rider inflatable motorcycle!This is definitely one of the most interesting Famicom controllers ever made. It is about what you...
View ArticleRetro Game Collectors: Why Don`t We Collect Rookie Games?
Something kind of odd I have been noticing about retro video game collectors is the fact that, unlike other types of collectors, we don`t seem to place much importance on the `rookie games` of major...
View ArticleThe Original Mach Rider
Despite the Fact that I am desperately trying to make some more living space in our apartment, every once in a while I find something so neat I cannot resist the temptation to splurge. My most recent...
View ArticleInteresting Famicom Stuff: The Kid who Designed Brightman and his Gold...
The man in the centre of the above picture is Yoshitaka Enomoto. He is standing next to the host of a TV show called Nandemo Kanteidan, which is kind of a Japanese version of Antiques Roadshow. It is...
View ArticleThe Cool World of Chirashi (Famicom and Movie Mini Posters)
One of the types of Famicom ephemera which I enjoy collecting the most are chirashi (mini posters/ flyers) that were handed out back in the day to advertise upcoming game releases. I like them mainly...
View ArticleInterior Decor: Famicom Carts as Parquet Flooring? Wallpaper? Coffee Tabletop?
Some carts I have more copies of than others. Super Mario Bros, Spartan X, Excitebike and Donkey Kong Jr for some reason I have quite a few of. They were pretty popular games back in the day and are...
View ArticleAwesome List: Japanese Gamers 18 Fond Memories of the Famicom
The Japanese website CuRazy recently published a little piece reporting the top 18 things Japanese people remember about playing the Famicom as children. Rocketnews did a good piece in English...
View ArticleBeen a Busy Month
I haven`t been posting in a while. Been kind of busy with the above bundle of joy who just arrived. Going to be a while before he is able to play the Famicom and by the time he does, it will be a 35...
View ArticleFive Years of Famicomblogging: A Retrospective
Five years ago today I found myself in my living rom in our old apartment in Fukuoka with a bit of free time to kill. I sat down on a tiny sofa with a ton of recently photographed Famicom carts...
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