L'histoire d'un Petit Robot et un Virtual Boy.
Il y avait untrèspetit robotdont le nom étaitPhil. Un jour,Philvoulait jouer avecson Virtual Boy.MaisPhilétait trop petite. Phila demandéde l'aide.Puis ilpourrait joueravec son Virtual Boy. PuisPhila...
View ArticleFamicom Shopping News: Super Potato Just Opened a Shop in Nagoya
Super Potato is almost without a doubt the most famous of all Japanese retro game stores. I`ve never visited the Akihabara one, but I have taken in the one in Osaka and it blew me away.So I am glad to...
View ArticleRarities: Nintendo in Store Display from the early 1970s
The above is one of the most interesting things in my vintage Nintendo collection. It is a 1950s store display used to advertise Nintendo playing cards. The big white characters 任天堂 spell out the...
View ArticleMore Famicom Rarities: Amada Puzzles and Menko
In the mid-1980s a company called Amada had a contract with Nintendo and a number of game producers like Jaleco and Konami to produce novelty items related to Famicom games. I first got interested in...
View ArticleYahoo Auctions: Somebody auctioning off an entire CIB collection of Famicom...
I was browsing through the Famicom listings on Yahoo Auctions yesterday when I noticed one seller, mad-masax, was without much fanfare putting up what looks like it may be one of the most impressive...
View ArticleSome Interesting Famicom Price Information: 88 Games Worth More than 5000 Yen
As I mentioned in my last post, a seller on Yahoo Auctions has been putting up an amazing collection of CIB Famicom games with low starting bids. In fact he seems to be putting an almost complete set...
View ArticleInteresting find: Atari 2800 Discovery?
I just picked the above Atari 2600 game up off of Yahoo Auctions. Gangster Alley is the name, shooting is the game. I am always on the prowl for Atari 2600 games to feed to my (admittedly difficult...
View ArticleYasuda Fire & Marine Safety Rally: Oh God, What Have I Done?
Last night the two massive cardboard boxes pictured above arrived at my home. They were heavy, I had to lug them in one by one from the doorway after the deliveryman, who had used a push cart to get...
View ArticleFamicom Price Information Part 2
Last week I presented a list of sale prices from a massive auction that is taking place on Yahoo Auctions of CIB Famicom games. The seller is putting up over 1000 CIB Famicom games (which would be...
View ArticleA Minor Quibble with the Festering Cesspool of Racism that is Japan's Yahoo...
Rant time. Sorry, but I'm pissed. I was cruising Yahoo Auctions earlier today and was about to put a bid in on a Famicom game from this seller by the name of gs76u87o. Then I stopped because I wasn't...
View ArticleSome Famicom Playing Cards - Mach Rider Style
Famicomblog is not dead! Its owner and curator does, however, have a 6 month old baby at home to keep him occupied, leaving precious little time for blogging. I do have a few minutes to spare here...
View ArticleChecking in
It has been a few months since my last post. If anybody is still reading, don`t worry, I am not dead. I am just a father.My son is now 10 months old and the old saying about your children becoming...
View ArticleMy Childhood Video Game Stash has been Found!
Been a while since I last posted. Am still alive and well. Thank you very much.In September I made a trip back home to Canada with my family in tow to visit my parents. It was the first time back...
View ArticleThe Rise and Fall of the Japanese Retro Video Game Market
If you look over on the archive of this blog you`ll note that its first 3 years (2009 – 2012) were a lot busier than its most recent 3 years. Take a glance through the posts in that first three year...
View ArticleYes, I'm still alive after over a year
Its amazing how time flies, its been over a year since I updated this blog, which is usually a good barometer for declaring a blog "dead". But this one isn't, its just in hibernation as its curator...
View ArticleBringing the Blog Back to Life
Not sure if anyone is still out there but hello, my name is Sean and I like Famicom games. This is, or at least was, my blog.I have been out of blogging for a few years now. I started this blog...
View ArticleKyorochan Land and Delayed Effects Product Placement
I bought Kyorochan Land the other day. Its the first Famicom game I have scratched off my want list in over three years and I'm quite happy with it.I have been aware of this game for years because it...
View ArticleThe Awkward Relationship Between the Famicom and NES Collecting Worlds
I was doing a Famicom related Google image search the other day when I spotted the above picture at the top of the results. I recognized it from this post I did 6 years ago about some of the better...
View ArticleThe Last Famicom Game: Adventure Island 4
This week I scratched another game off my Famicom want list - Takahashi Meijin's Adventure Island 4! It was released 24 years ago this month (June 24, 1994) which gives it a distinguished place in...
View ArticleOh No! Japanese Retro Video Game Bars and Cafes are Getting Shut Down by the...
A few years ago I wrote about what I thought was one of the coolest things in Japan: Famicom bars. Basically these are bars or cafes which cater to retro gamers. For an hourly fee they allow...
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